Bubonic Plague The Next Pandemic


Bubonic Plague The Next Pandemic

Bubonic plague

-Also called as Black death 

Black death? it seems scary right?

Will there be another pandemic? Let's look into it!

The Black Death

What Is a Plague?

Plague is an extremely rare disease caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis. It is usually found in animals and their fleas .it is a infectious transmitted disease so it can spread easily through infected animals or insect bites.


·        The plague or the Black death is first originated in Central Asia over 2000 years ago. The scientist who worked on it saying, it may spread through trading ships that are unclean and contain more animal waste in it.

·        Due to the climatic changes, the rodents were started to migrate from the dry farming area to populated areas like populated countries. This how the virus was started to spread.

·        By this way it started to spread over Asia. Then it stepped in Europe.

·        It was the second most drastic disaster affecting Europe during LATE MIDDLE AGE.

·        The plague has reduced the world’s population 475 million to 350-375 million in 14th century.

·        Though it in an epidemic in Europe, the outbreak of the great disaster has happened in China during 1353-1354.

·        Outbreak of plague reoccurred at various locations throughout the world till 19th century.

Types of Plague

There are three types of plague bacterial disease,

·        Bubonic plague: It cannot be transmitted from human to human.

·        Septicaemic Plague: It is an advanced level of the bubonic form of plague, Infection spreads through the bloodstream.

·        Pneumonic plague or lung based plagueIt is the most virulent form of plague. A person with secondary pneumonic plague may transmit plague to other humans by the infective droplets.

Bubonic plague Symptoms

People infected with plague develop symptoms like fever, chills, Headaches, weakness, vomiting, and nausea as like influenza symptoms for an incubation period of 3 to 7 days.

Especially bubonic plague is the common infected disease which the bacteria yersinia pestis enters human by a bite and travels to the lymph node replicates .so that node becomes tense and painful and so-called bubo.


Lab Testing is needed to confirm the infections. It helps to identify the bacteria in a sample of blood or sputum.

WHO as not recommend the vaccination for the plague except for the high-risk peoples.

Preventive measures:

Informing people when the plague is present in their environment and need to know how to protect themselves like Precautions against flea bites and not handle animals. People and health workers should avoid direct contact with infected or close exposure with Pneumonic plague.

Without treatment, plague results in death of 30%-90% typically within 10 days of infected people, With treatment, this risk of death is around 10%.

Current Situation

·        Recently China has reported the other new virus that would become a pandemic.

·        In china the herdsman was reported as the first bubonic virus affected person few weeks before.

·        The China has confirmed another two more cases on last Sunday in magnolia were brothers who had eaten the raw marmot.

·        To shop this spread the China government had been contaminated the area and ceased the market from where it has been purchased.

If proper measures should be taken at the correct time that may help china to overcome this disease.

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