Mobile phones are constantly growing across the world with their functionalities, which turn into over usage and addiction. Most maximum Mobile phone owners have confessed to checking their phone for calls or messages while their phone didn’t vibrate or ring. This is one of the major signs of mobile phone addiction and usage.
When the world is growing with advanced technology and using mobile phones a lot which affects and harms the younger generation. Students are growing with a strong attachment with their mobile phones, which leads to a huge loss in their concentration and time spent in studies. Parents and teachers usually face problems in opposing the distraction of students. Most everyone will undergo mobile addiction during this lockdown period, People who overcome it are very low effects so if you use mobile and laptops use it for a good purpose in a limited time like online courses and learn about blogs, etc.
When it comes to issues on over-usage mobile phones there will lot more to discuss on this topic because the current situation show’s us how we are deeply into it.
It Physically Affects
Digital eye strain - The pain and distress correlated with seeing a digital screen for beyond 2 hours.
Eyes start to burn, itch, Blurred vision, Eye fatigue, Digital Eye Strain, and cause headaches.
Neck problems - Neck pain emerging from seeing down at a Mobile phone or tablet for over a long period.
Increased illnesses due to germs - Life-threatening infections in bones, joints, surgical wounds, bloodstream, heart valves, and lungs.
Car accidents and a lot more - Many people believe that they can multitask and use their phones while driving but texting and driving can be just as dangerous as drinking and driving.
It Mentally Affects
Sleep disturbances - mobile phone habit has been connected to addition to sleep disorders and weakness in users. Using a Mobile phone before bed grows the likelihood of insomnia
Depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Anxiety and a lot more - Report that says college students who use their Mobile phones the most are higher possible to feel anxious through downtime.
Last but not least
Mobile phones are constantly being growing across the world with their functionalities, which in turn into over usage and addiction, and many types of researches are still going on the respective topic. Mostly the radiation and addiction shows the major sign of mobile phone addiction and over usage of it.
As per my concern, the electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency exposure many types of defects to humans mainly headaches, depression and sleeping disorders, etc. when it is short-term memory it is more serious to humans where it affects the brain nerves. And the HCG(Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone produced by cells that majorly affects ladies during their pregnancy time. CGI(chorionic gonadotropin immunoassays) also known to be HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN(HCG) also mostly harmful to pregnant lady’s But each every type of radiation is harmful to the living things and its just a matter of time the risk reaches our body and affects our blood and destroying the hemoglobin level which is mainly our immunity system.
As in current pandemic situation increased the loneliness among students, children’s, workers this leads their attraction towards the mobile phone and other media entertainment gadget’s. The addiction level among men and women rapidly increased, which may result may type problems like depression and laziness. Mobile phone uses in this generation among school students and college students have become a big problem in their future careers.
Many papers were discussed on CFQ(cognitive failures questionnaire) and their related type of OCS, MPPUS has given problematic results towards the WMC(working memory capacity) and AC(Attention control).it proves that the higher OCS and MPPUS as distractions on media or mobile phone addiction to link in lower the WMC and AC.
When it comes to issues on over-usage mobile phones there will lot of impact because the current situations show’s us how we are deeply into it. Even though the mobile phone is necessary and very useful in this generations and for upcoming generation using it efficiently will be a more reasonable thing for a good carrier in life and thus all paper and researches were study the issues related the over usage of mobile phone makes a big impact on our life. So using mobile phones effectively for only on important purpose rather than using it all the time and making waste of time and it also leads to much problematic life in upcoming future towards ourself.
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